Links Stand to Reason Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square. The Gospel Coalition Thought-provoking blogs, articles, and videos from Christians. Timely, relevant, and unafraid to tackle difficult questions. A wide assortment of topics covered. Desiring God Pastor insights in today’s most pressing topics. Podcasts, videos, and articles. Living Out Stories, videos, and testimonies from those who are same-sex attracted or gender dysphoric who are trusting the circle of God’s protective design for sexuality and thriving. Association of Biblical Sexuality The Association of Biblical Sexuality exists to encourage and equip the Church and Christ-centered organizations to respond biblically and redemptively to human sexuality. The Briefing Podcast Daily podcast from Christian thinker, Dr. Albert Mohler. ‘The Briefing’ is a daily analysis of modern headlines from the perspective of a Christian worldview.